Setting a price on one’s art.
Rambling here… questions and not really answers…. Worth or value is determined by what something sells for. What the public or buyer is willing to pay. Though if one person is willing to pay x is anyone else willing to pay x as well? Perhaps they are few and far between. Is the goal to sell and make money or to make art and get it out into people’s homes for their enjoyment? Or both? Should the artist let the public determine the value and not the artist? Not everyone can pay x, many can pay y. Art is still sold and people still support the artist. Should pricing be set with the expectation or hope of a gallery selling it? Therefore, “I want x plus the gallery’s commission,” meaning the price is not set based on the public’s determination, but something else that may be very unrealistic. Is it
Is it art?
A while back I was messaging with another artist through IG comments regarding his statement that it is only art if the person(s) looking at a painting, or whatever an artist created, understands and connects to what the artist was saying through the piece. That is, the meaning or message behind the art piece must be “understood” by the viewer for it to be art. If not, then the artist has failed and it is not art. I will note that he was very successful in showing at numerous galleries and museums in Europe. Had received many awards and recognition for his paintings. All large scale figurative and somewhat reminiscent of Dali. And had attended a prestigious German art school. Okay, I appreciate that artists have something they want to say or whatever to the world – a statement on the condition of humankind for example – and for sure
Do you support the arts?
I guess what I am asking is, what does that mean to you as an artist? Or even as a person who is not an artist? As artists we are frequently told by people how they support the arts. And yet the question would be how so? Oh, we are members of the museum(s) and go to their openings. Nice, but that is helping artists how? Like how does that support artists other than being a face at an event where the food and drink are free? I get that it is fun to attend museum events, but the reality is… you really are not supporting the artists who are trying their best to be seen. To be recognized. You are supporting museums and artists who are either dead and don’t need your support because they are worth a shit load of money and… okay, fair enough museums do need out